Group 3 Small Group Mentoring for Handmade Businesses

3. Let Me Show You How To Move Forward And Make The Most Money That You Can From Your Handmade Business. - (This group is best done after having completed group 2) Now that you are set up and have clear goals, are managing your time and know your direction, lets work out how you can make the most amount of money possible!
I will teach you;
* knowing your numbers inside out
* nailing production
* what to do about expansion (The Temptation!)
I’ll share with you my business numbers and stories!
* You'll get to ask me questions and pick my brain! Save yourself a whole bunch of time and money by not making the same mistakes I did!
3 x weekly live group sessions on Microsoft Teams.
Exclusive access to the Private Rummage Style Mentoring Facebook group.
* Please download Microsoft teams and I'll send you a meeting invitation closer to the date. If your Microsoft Teams email address is different to the one you used to purchase this course please let me know at [email protected]